Even the best, most rock-steady marriages
experience turbulence from time to time. In every close, cooperative human
relationship, interpersonal tensions can sometimes mount high, despite the best
efforts of those involved, and marriages are certainly no exception. What are
some of the silly and not-so-silly reasons those we love most often dance on
our last nerve? Are there solutions to these problems? Psychologists say so and
offer several handy tips to help every married couple defuse those tense
Combining Households
When two individuals get married, they
aren’t just promising to have and to hold. They’re also agreeing to put up with
the accumulated possessions of their darling’s entire existence up to that
point. This can cause ordinary tensions to mount as the newlyweds navigate
around extra “stuff.” One option to combat this problem is to look into some
storage units to use while you sort through your things and combine your homes.
You can bring home one box and go through it, preventing your home from having
that stuffed feeling while you sort throught your items, according to Extra
Space Storage in McKinney.
Little Feet
Children are often what many married
couples dream of having together. However, once they arrive, stress becomes a
natural part of life and can fray nerves between the two. What is most
important beyond ensuring the safety and health of the new little one is to set
aside time to truly bond as a couple. After children, such opportunities must
often be scheduled, but it’s worth the effort.
While money issues can be legitimate,
quarrels about finances are often symbolic of other issues, such as power, a
differing system of values, or other major interpersonal issues. When financial
problems seem to be at the root of an argument, both partners should take a
step back and ask themselves why they are upset. Taking a moment to analyze the
true issue can save time and heartache.
Poor Connection
Negative or insufficient communication can
lead to major issues. Both newlyweds and those with established marriages can
fall victim to this. Always be sure to clearly communicate what you want, and
take into account the needs and desires of your lifemate. Encourage
conversation before action. Take responsibility for your actions and feelings.
Personal Quirks
Every person has individual habits of
behavior, and often marrying someone means becoming acquainted with the
smallest and most annoying of these. If your mate’s collection of behaviors and
habits are getting on your nerves, shift the focus rather than nag. Consciously
change your mood by initiating fun outings or play.