From the moment a person is born, they begin leaving their individual carbon footprint. Unfortunately, this is something that does not do anything good for the environment.
As a parent, you have to strive to lead by example and show your children the value of treading lightly on the Earth. It doesn't have to be dramatic as even the smallest habits can make a big difference.
If you are interested in raising children to love the Earth, here are 10 eco-friendly parenting techniques.
1. Switch to Cloth Diapers
The consequence of using disposable diapers on the planet has long been debated; however, there is no denying that a tremendous number of disposable diapers end up in landfills each year.
Disposable diapers also contain toxic coagulating substances. If the used products are not disposed of properly and are left in certain areas for long periods of time, the harmful chemicals will ooze underground and seep into the water supply. This will lead to the distribution of unhealthy and unsafe water.
Although this may seem like a bleak situation, the good news is that there are targeted solutions like packer testing that can solve this type of soil and water contamination problem on a large scale. On your part, switching to cloth diapers is a surefire way of reducing your environmental footprint.
2. Invest in Bicycles
While minivans have become universal symbols of parenthood, the greenest transportation method for you and your children would be their own two feet (obviously within reason!). A quicker (and more fun) option is to buy them an exciting bicycle or scooter and encourage them to use it whenever possible.
3. Make Your Laundry as Eco-Friendly as Possible
There is no denying that babies and toddlers make piles of laundry. But continuously loading the washing machine requires too much water. Unless it’s a grave emergency (they happen!), wait until you have enough garments to wash to run a full load. Most contemporary washing machines use the same amount of water regardless of whether you put in a large or small pile of clothing.
Additionally, consider using cold water since hot water requires a lot more energy. Opting for cold water can assist in saving the environment as well as your electricity bill.
4. Reuse and Recycle
Babies and toddlers grow out of items (seemingly) instantly, so save money and the planet by borrowing or buying gently used items whenever possible. Don't be shy to accept offers of hand-me-down clothes and consider hosting a children’s clothing swap in your neighborhood. Reusing is an even more effective manner of recycling!
5. Get Comfortable in the Kitchen
Once your child starts eating solid foods, you should try to cook in your own kitchen as often as feasible. It the healthiest and safest way of eating and you’ll also reduce the amount of packaging you are using. This will help minimize the effects of processed and industrialized food products on the environment.
6. Develop a Love of the Outdoors
Because it’s beneficial for you, your child, and the environment, do your best to schedule regular outdoor outings. Not only is spending time outside energy-efficient, but you will also save money on gas by walking instead of driving. You will develop a love of the outdoors in your little one as well!
7. Light Up Your Home with LEDs
Switching the lightbulbs in your home with LEDs is a cost-effective and straightforward fix for saving energy. While the initial price is slightly higher, their lifespan and efficiency ensure that you will save money and reduce carbon dioxide emissions in the long run.
8. Re-use Your Grocery Bag
As a parent, you will constantly be purchasing groceries. Ensure that your supermarket trips are as green as possible by using your own reusable bags. Consider giving your children the responsibility of decorating the bags so that they can also be in charge of remembering to bring them when you go shopping.
9. Teach Your Children Valuable Terms
There is no denying that children learn by seeing. As such, while they may not be able to understand everything that you say instantly, they will learn from your actions. Raise your children to become eco-friendly by teaching them important and relevant words about environmental preservation and providing explanations. As they get older, you can then build on this previous knowledge and continue helping them learn how they can contribute.
10. Educate Your Children on the Consequence of Their Actions
Lastly, from their earliest years, teach your children that even doing something as seemingly small and harmless as throwing candy wrappers or paper on the floor can affect the health of all living things. Educate them about how, for example, their favorite animal may be harmed by accidentally swallowing this trash.
About Author: Patrick Randall is the Vice President of National Sales at Hepure Technologies. He holds a BS in Mechanical and Chemical Engineering from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and an M.S. in Civil Engineering from CSUS. He has been working in the environmental and bioremediation space since graduating in 1986.