Do You Have The Right Protection for Your Business in Place?

Even though you often see larger companies dealing with hacks and data breaches, it's small businesses that really have to worry about cybersecurity. This is because they are prime targets for experienced cybercriminals due to their lack of protection. If your IT team is having trouble protecting your network or you have experienced threats to your database before, then you know what it's like to need greater cybersecurity.

So, what can you do, when trying to protecting data from malware? These are a few of the things that can help your business defend against cyber-attacks.

Set Up Password Protection

You should make sure that every employee is using a strong password to access your computers and networks. In addition, the passwords that protect your business' system should also be complex and observe security standards in order to protect against decoders and hackers. In addition, passwords should be updated regularly

Restrict Access

Everyone at your business doesn't need to have access to certain databases and information. In fact, it's easier to keep track of who has access and protect against breaches when only a few people have access to your system. You can add more encryption and more difficult passwords to protect this access to sensitive data.

No Personal Devices on Network

Are people at your business using your business' network with personal devices? Do you allow employees to bring computers or tablets from home and use your Wi-Fi? It's important that you set up a network separate from your important office network so that you're protected. However, if you want to truly protect against any kind of breach, you won't allow personal devices of any kind on your business' network. You should also have monitoring software on all of your business' computers, allowing you to track unwanted activity, push security updates, and change passwords regularly.

Train Employees to Recognize Threats

Do your employees know what a virus looks like? Do they know not to download third party software from an unknown publisher? You can train your employees to look for threats and be prepared for an attack. You can also have policies for internet use and guidelines for behavior involving cybersecurity. For instance, you may want to penalize an employee that uses the network to go to websites not allowed or that have been blocked by your firewall.

Use a Firewall and Backup System

Your firewall should prevent employees from navigating to certain sites, including those that could be infected with malware. In addition, you should have a backup setup so that your business can't be taken offline for long. When you have a system that is protected, it will be easy to prevent most hack attempts and take very little time to restore your system if it were to go down because of a DDoS attack.

Prepare Your IT Team

What kind of security do you currently run on your website or for your network? Are you using endpoint protection or a VPN? It's imperative that you make sure your network is almost hidden to everyone online, allowing you to isolate any further attack attempts. Many businesses don't realize that they are being hacked until it has already happened, but if your team is prepared and constantly vigilant, you can avoid data breaches altogether.

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