Going back to school means that your child will be exposed to all kinds of people, ideas and germs. Schools are a breeding ground for illnesses of all kinds. You don’t want your child’s education to suffer because they are out for a week with the flu or even a few days with a miserable cold. Your family can also suffer by your child bringing home germs that can make the whole family ill. Here are some ways you can help your family stay well this back to school season:
1. Hand Washing – The biggest thing your child can do to stay healthy and avoid spreading disease is to wash their hands. Teach your child to wash up after using the restroom, sneezing, coughing, shaking hands, playing with or using other people’s items, and before eating or touching their eyes, nose or mouth. A proper hand washing includes soap, warm water, and at least twenty seconds of scrubbing. Don’t forget to get under the fingernails!
2. Sanitizing – If they can’t get to the sink that often you can give your child a small bottle of hand sanitizer or sanitizing wipes. Prepackaged wipes are great for wiping off tables, desks, chairs, pencils and books. Hand sanitizer can also be used on small products like pencils and pens as well as to clean their hands. These small items can easily fit in a pencil bag or back pack.
3. No Sharing – Although your child should learn to share toys and cooperate with other children you should remind them that this idea does not apply to food. Children should not eat or drink after each other as this can easily spread germs. If your child chews on pencils or pens they should also avoid loaning or borrowing those items. The mouth is the first place germs can get into your body, so keep your child safe by informing them of the risks.
4. Tissue Use – The proper use of a tissue is something that all children need to be taught. Whenever they sneeze or cough a child should cover their mouth and nose with a tissue- not their hand or sleeve. The tissue should not be reused but thrown away immediately. Make sure you tell your child not to touch the used parts of the tissue and wash their hands after sneezing or coughing.
5. Healthy Eating – Last but not least, keep your family healthy by providing the proper nutrition. School lunches are often starchy and not very healthy. Pack your child their own lunch n reusable containers. This way you can make sure they have a healthy, well balanced meal that will keep them going strong. Include plenty of fruits and veggies for added vitamins to encourage a strong immune system.
These are just a few of the ways you can make sure your child goes back to school healthy and safe. Help your child to learn how to stay wall and enjoy the school year!
Author Bio:
Stephanie has many years of experience as a nanny. She has always loved children and has continuously been involved in childcare activities. Currently she is one of the writers for houstonnanny.com. If you want to get in touch with her, you can email her at stephanie. Houstonnanny @ gmail. com.