3 Ways to Make Your Old Car Feel Brand New

There comes a time in every car's life at which it must face the fact that it needs a makeover. Despite the years that it has been a loyal and reliable companion, even our autos must move forward with the changing times. In addition to reviving your love for your automobile, a few simple updates for your car can assist in maintaining its value as well. The following three simple tasks for rejuvenating your car are both inexpensive and easy to carry out.

An Automotive Face Lift

However much you may love the color of your current car, embracing change can be a good thing. The nicks and scratches that may represent affection and memories for the current driver are simply unsightly to onlookers. A new paint job will eliminate these aesthetic problems and allow you to look at your car in a whole new light. A basic paint job can be done for under $500 in most cases, but the value that it adds to the vehicle is considerable.  You can check some of the car polish available on the market as an add-on for your paint. Do not be afraid to go bold as well. If you are driving a baby blue car now, for example, then take the plunge and go for midnight black or any eye-catching red.

Switch Shoes

In this case, “shoes” means tires. There are dozens of reasons to replace old and worn out tires that go well beyond aesthetic appeal. Old tires can present dangers on the road and lessen the gas mileage your car is capable of achieving. If you are only interested in a new look, then consider purchasing tires with white walls for a retro appeal. Replacing your tires is another approach that cost little money in the grand scheme of things. You are actually saving yourself money by taking advantage of the latest technology and materials that are being used to construct modern tires. When looking for new tires, it is best to price-compare, which is made easy these days by the internet. You can search websites like Simpletire.com that price compares tires for you and show you locations for purchasing.

Embrace the Interior

Drivers spend the most time seeing their car from the inside. Should you not want to spend a fair amount of money revamping the outside of the car, then take it upon yourself to detail the interior. Fixing all the minor flaws, reviving the leather, and giving your vehicle that new car smell can make a world of difference in your perception of your vehicle. Taking your car to a certified specialist will allow you to get the job done in no time at all. However, there are plenty of good detailing kits on the market that are available at any automotive shop.

Unfortunately, many Americans think that the only solution to an old car is buying a new one – however, you can still get plenty of “mileage” out of an old looking car with these simple updates. If your car simply looks old but runs great, keep it going for a few more years, and never underestimate the power of good car maintenance for both the inside and outside of the vehicle. Use these tips to disguise an old car, and put off buying a new car for a few more years!

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