What is Hypothyroidism?
Deficiency of thyroid
hormones or defect in thyroid hormone actions is called Hypothyroidism. Thyroid
gland situated in the neck produces two hormones; thyroxine (T4) and
triiodothyronine (T3). Thyroid hormones play a critical role in growth and
development and maintenance of normal body processes. Without sufficient
thyroid hormones, both mental and physical growth in children is hampered. In
adults, it can affect various systems of the body. In the developed countries
the prevalence of hypothyroidism is about 4-5%. According to a recent Indian
study done in eight major cities, more than 10% of adults were found to suffer
from hypothyroidism.
2. What is Congenital Hypothyroidism?
Hypothyroidism in an
infant means that the baby is not making enough thyroid hormone to grow and
develop normally. The word congenital means that the baby was born with the
condition. Thus, when there is deficiency of thyroid hormones in new born
babies, it leads to a condition called as “Congenital Hypothyroidism”. In new
born babies, thyroid hormones are extremely important for brain development and
overall growth. In Congenital Hypothyroidism, the baby suffers from mental
retardation, and improper growth. If left untreated, the damage
becomes irreversible. When diagnosed early and treated adequately, children
born with Congenital Hypothyroidism can experience normal physical growth and
neurological development.
3. Congenital Hypothyroidism in India: how common is the
Congenital Hypothyroidism
affects 1 in 3,800 new born babies. Reports from India state that the situation
is much worse with a figure of 1 in 2,640.
What are the key features
of Congenital Hypothyroidism?
Most new born babies with Congenital
Hypothyroidism appear normal at birth, even if there is complete lack of
development of the thyroid gland. This is because a small amount of thyroid
hormone (T4) from the mother is transferred to the baby during pregnancy.
It is twice as common in
girls as in boys. In Congenital Hypothyroidism, birth weight and length are
normal, but head size may be slightly increased. Prolongation of physiologic
jaundice may be the earliest sign. Feeding difficulties, especially
sluggishness, lack of interest, sleepiness, and choking spells during nursing
are often present during 1st month of life. Respiratory
difficulties, due in part to the large tongue may also occur. Affected infants
cry little, sleep much, have poor appetites and are generally sluggish. The
abdomen is large, and an umbilical hernia is usually present. The temperature
is below normal, often less than 35°C, and the skin, particularly that of extremities
may be cold and mottles. Swelling of the genitals and extremities may be
present. Because symptoms appear gradually, the clinical diagnosis is often
Approximately 10% of
infants with Congenital Hypothyroidism have other associated abnormalities.
Cardiac abnormalities are most common, but abnormalities of the nervous system
and eye can also be there.
What are the causes of Congenital
Most cases of Congenital
Hypothyroidism are not hereditary and result from abnormal development of the
thyroid gland. Some cases may be familial due to errors of thyroid hormone
synthesis. In many cases deficiency of thyroid hormone is severe and symptoms
develop in early weeks of life. In others lesser degree of deficiency occurs
and appearance of symptoms may be delayed for months.
Can Congenital
Hypothyroidism problem be prevented?
Most cases cannot be prevented. The following are some things
that can be done during pregnancy under the doctor’s guidance to reduce the
1. Mothers should not have
radioactive iodine treatment or use iodine as antiseptic.
2. Mothers should consume
enough, but not too much iodine.
Both these
precautions should be exercised under the strict guidance of the doctor.
7. When is the ideal time to screen an infant for Congenital
Screening of infants should be performed between two and four
days of birth. If this is not possible, testing should be performed before
discharge or within seven days of birth.
The neonatal screening for Congenital Hypothyroidism was
introduced in 1974 by using newborn heel prick filter paper blood sample and it
is a universal practice in the developed countries to screen all the new born
babies for Congenital Hypothyroidism.
8. Can Congenital Hypothyroidism be detected earlier than the
birth of the child?
As Congenital
Hypothyroidism is most commonly not a heritable disorder, it is not possible to
identify a population of pregnant women who are at high risk for fetal
Specific pregnancies may
be determined to be at risk based on a family history of a previous infant with
Congenital Hypothyroidism. Most cases, however, are not familial and are
discovered when routine ultrasonography discloses a fetal goiter. In addition,
if a pregnant woman with Graves’ disease is treated with antithyroid drugs, the
fetus is at risk for hypothyroidism. If the mother has been exposed to
radioactive iodine, then the baby has increased risk of Congenital
9. Is screening test for Congenital Hypothyroidism available in
The screening test is a simple
test available in many hospitals and laboratories across India. Please consult
your doctor for more information on availability of the screening test in your
nearest hospital.
10. If the baby is diagnosed with Congenital Hypothyroidism, is
there any treatment available?
Once a baby is diagnosed with Congenital Hypothyroidism, he
or she is immediately started on thyroid hormone replacement. Levothyroxine
given orally is the treatment of choice. Levothyroxine is a synthetic thyroid
hormone that is similar to the hormone made by a thyroid gland.
11. How often is this treatment given and how long should the
treatment be continued?
Usually, levothyroxine is given once a day. Most of
the children with Congenital Hypothyroidism need to take thyroid hormones for
the rest of their lives.
12. Can the complications be prevented with adequate treatment?
Early diagnosis and
adequate treatment from the first weeks of life result in normal growth and
intelligence. Delay in diagnosis, failure to correct initial hypothyroidism
rapidly, inadequate treatment and poor compliance in first 2-3 years of life
result in variable degree of brain damage. Thus, early diagnosis soon after
birth and effective treatment can prevent irreversible brain damage.
13. What are the side-effects of the treatment?
Because thyroxine medicine is simply replacing a normal hormone
produced by the body, giving the correct dose everyday should be well tolerated.
However, if given too little thyroxine, the baby will develop symptoms of
hypothyroidism outlined earlier, and over a long period, may grow more slowly
than usual.
If the child is given too much levothyroxine, he or she may
develop mild diarrhea, may be more restless than usual and other symptoms due
to excess thyroid hormones. But, normally, the correct dose for the infants can
be calculated so that these adverse effects can be avoided.
Desai M. Congenital Hypothyroidism: screening dilemma. Indian
Journal of Endocrinology and metabolism 2012;16:S153-5.
Great Ormond Street Hospital. Congenital Hypothyroidism. Last
reviewed by Great Ormond Street Hospital: December 2010. Downloaded from http://www.gosh.nhs.uk/medical-conditions/search-for-medical-conditions/congenital-hypothyroidism/congenital-hypothyroidism-information/ accessed on 23 Aug,
Jameson JL,Weetman AP. Disorders of the thyroid gland. In
Fauci AS, et al, editors. Harrisions Principles
of Internal Medicine. 17th ed. vol 2; McGrawHill, New Delhi: p.
LaFranchi S. Disorders of the thyroid gland. In Kliegman RM, et al, editors. Nelson Textbook of
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Osborne B, Hopwood NJ. Congenital Hypothyroidism in infants.
Downloaded from http://www.med.umich.edu/pediatrics/division/endo/PedHypothyFinal.pdf accessed on 25th Aug,
Rastogi MV, LaFranchi SH. Congenital Hypothyroidism. Orphanet
Journal of Rare Diseases 2010, 5:17. Downloaded from http://www.ojrd.com/content/5/1/17 accessed on 12th Aug,
Scheinberg D. Congenital Hypothyroidism. Downloaded from http://healthlibrary.epnet.com/print.aspx?token=de6453e6-8aa2-4e28-b56c-5e30699d7b3c&ChunkIID=102705 accessed on 25th Aug,
Smith L. Updated AAP guidelines on newborn screening and
therapy for Congenital Hypothyroidism. Am Fam Physician. 2007 Aug 1;76(3):439-44.
Unnikrishnan AP, et al.
Prevalence of hypothyroidism in adults: an epidemiological study in eight
cities of India. Indian Journal of Endocrinology and metabolism
Unnikrishnan AP, Menon U. Thyroid disorders in India: an
epidemiological perspective. Indian Journal of Endocrinology and metabolism
2011;15(suppl. 2):S78-81.
For more information please consult your doctor.
Issued in
public Interest by-
Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Dr. Annie Besant road, Worli, Mumbai, Maharashtra-400 030
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IN/LTX/0032/13 valid Up to July 2015