The heart is your lifeline. The brain may
go in coma and you can still live but once your heart stops beating, it can be
the end of everything.
In 2008, a total of 17.3 million people
died from cardiovascular disease as recorded by the World Health Organization.
Many of these deaths take place in the low and middle income countries. By
2030, the WHO predicted the heart related death to be as high as 23.3 million.

Your Heart
Your heart health may be taking so many
tasks if you are doing things normally yet aren’t doing healthy things in
return. Say you do eat the right food but do not exercise. Or you may be you
are exercising but you aren’t eating the right food and is keen on alcohol and
So what do you do now?
You should try doing the opposite of these
things. Keep all the good practices and throw away the bad ones. Your heart
though needs not only the right food and exercise but the proper supplement as
well. Remember, every 25 seconds, a
couple of people around the world will experience a coronary event.
Heart Conditions
Our heart is probably one of the most
worked out organ in the body. By the end
of a long life, the heart beats 3.5 billion times already. The most common
heart conditions can be found in almost all countries all over the world.
Here are some common cardiovascular/heart
conditions that prevailed all over the world:
Angina. Angina
is characterized by chest are
tightness wherein a squeezing conditions can be felt. These can be a signal
though of heart diseases.
Congenital heart disease. This type of
heart condition can be present at birth. This can be due to viral infection, medications
and other chemicals. Mostly, it disrupts the proper blood flow.
Congestive heart failure. This mostly
occurs among those who are in their old age. It happens when the heart have already
the difficulty of pumping blood to
the body. It can be caused by previous heart attack, high blood, diabetes and
Coronary Heart disease. This is the most
common heart disease. This happens when the blood is unable to pass through an
artery due to the plaque blocking the ways. This plaque buildup is called atherosclerosis.
Inflammatory heart disease. This condition
involves the inflammation of the heart muscles. It can be caused by immune
disease, fungal infection or by bacteria. Its symptoms involve shortness of
breath, angina, feet swelling and fatigue.
Organic heart disease. This can be due
to inflammation or the deformity of the heart thus it can’t function normally
as it should.
Pulmonary heart disease. Pulmonary heart disease is called a right
sided heart disease. It affects the heart after a lung disease. The blood flow
to the lungs can be difficult which increase blood pressure in the lungs which
as a result may have the right part of the heart to work harder.
Ischaemic heart disease. This disease is
characterized by a reduced blood supply. This is caused again by the atherosclerosis.
Hypertensive heart disease. This heart condition can be caused by
hypertension which induces coronary heart diseases, angina, arrhythmias and heart
Arrhythmia. This type of condition can
be characterized by a heart beat that is too fast, too slow or too irregular.
Symptoms of
Heart Problem/Attack
Here are some symptoms which may tell you
are heading for a heart attack. These symptoms shouldn’t be taken for granted.
Once you have it, go check it up with your doctor.
ü Chest pain. Burning discomfort in the chest. This squeezing sensation is
oftentimes mistaken as heart burn but it shouldn’t be one if it doesn’t happen
after a meal.
ü Leg and arm tingling
ü Vomiting and nausea
ü Shortness of breath
ü Jaw pain. Jaw pain happens because
the nerves in the jaw have been attached to the same of those of the heart.
ü Dizziness. This can be due
to very little blood is getting to your heart already.
ü Extreme fatigue. It is
because your blood might be pumping too fast to the heart.
Eating Healthy
Eating healthy is the best way to fight the
heart ailing conditions. Eating healthy doesn’t only give you the right
nutrients and vitamins; it also keeps you away from diseases since most of the
healthy foods can offer your body and immune system some protection.
From various studies that have already been
proven, some foods can be better than the others. These foods that contain the
right fats, the right anti-oxidant and the right nutrients can shield your
body, strengthen your heart and help you combat other diseases.
healthy Foods
Salmon. The wild salmon in fact have all
the omega-3 fatty acids which can help improve metabolic markers for a healthy heart.
The wild salmon contains the long known heart healthy fatty acids omega-3 which
strengthens heart health and can keep away other conditions.
Sardines. Same with salmon, the sardines
may be small but it is very rich in omega-3. The same supplement that has been
given by most fish oil that are capsuled.
Walnut. Well, aside from the fact that it’s
a nut, which makes it very healthy, walnut, contains omega-3, vitamin E and
folate. These very things promote heart health.
Krill. Krill are tiny shrimp-like creature
that gets to be a whale’s breakfast, lunch and dinner. Even with its minute
size, krill are packed with necessary nutrients to help fight heart disease. It
contains heart healthy omega-3, more potent one compared to those of fish.
Calamari. Calamari or the squid is a
known rival of fish and krill oil. It packs a heft of omega-3 but in a more
environmentally friendly way.
Chia Seeds. Chia contains nutrients
that can help fight heart diseases. It is a tasteless seed but is said to
fill in your dietary needs and reduce bad cholesterol in the process. Reduction
of cholesterol helps in fighting heart attack.
Oatmeal. Oatmeal is full of fiber and is
very god for the heart.
Blueberries. Blueberries are filed with antioxidants
which can help detoxify your body. It contains resveratrol
and flavanoids that help prevent coronary heart disease.
Red wine. Red wine from grapes contains
the resveratrol which can help prevent cancer, reduce cholesterol and help in
arterial health but red wine can only be drunk in moderation, once you get pass
1 glass; you are not eligible for its health benefits anymore.
Green tea. Green tea has the capacity to
reduce blood clots and also contains flavanoid.
Soy based products. Soy based products
are always the healthier alternatives for other industry products. It contains flavones and is naturally low
in fat.
Dark chocolate. Dark chocolate that has
been containing more coca contains more flavanols which helps in lowering blood
pressure and helps relax arteries leading to no heart risk.
Broccoli. Well, it is not already a puzzle
since broccoli has already been cited as a very beneficial veggie. It reduces inflammation
in the cardiovascular system and is heart healthy.
Brussels sprouts.
Grapefruit. This contains lots of
vitamin C and it can also reduce cholesterol but grapefruit isn’t advisable once
you are taking Lipitor or Viagra since it can be toxic mixing with the mentioned
Olive oil. An extra virgin olive oil contains
the good fat and has all the anti-oxidants that keep your arteries free from plaque
and obstruction.
Omega-3 and
the Heart
As mentioned above, there are lots of
natural foods that are mentioned due to the presence of omega-3 in it. Today, once
you’ve heard of omega-3, people will often associate it with heart health which
is actually true.
Other Heart
Healthy Practices
Exercise. Cardiovascular healthy
exercise can keep you fit and keep you away from heart disease. A simple run
and walk in the morning or a visit to the gym can help you prevent one or remedy
existing problems.
Get regular check up.
Get yourself medicated from
your other medical conditions.
Eat healthy, overall.
What not to
Watching too much TV and
sitting in the couch all day
Being too depressed
Stressing self out
No tooth brushing or flossing
Being anti-social
Drinking alcohol
Too much red meat
Skipping meds
Eat too much salt
These things can just be simple things to
do for your heart and eating healthy can’t just only be for the heart, it can
be beneficial for your other organ system in your body. Simple exercises,
eating healthy and avoiding all unhealthy things can be your start of heart
healthy moves.
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