Men are often afraid of making acquaintance with attractive girls. The reasons for a strong fear are plenty, but in most cases, they are simply scared of being rejected. The conversation with the unknown girl you like can flow free and easy, and vice versa – the girl may even refuse to start chatting with you. It hurts and may be offensive, but let’s see from the girls’ side – a minute ago she may have not even known about your existence, and now you broke into her space - why do you wait for a positive reaction from her? Be honest now to admit that even if she may like you in general – making conversation with a woman is too insidious in most cases and simple tricks don't work.
We have prepared ten steps that will help you in finding a girlfriend and making her like you. Keep in mind that all these “pick-up” tricks are not effective as the first thing is needed to win the girl of your dreams heart is your feeling.
Be attentive in conversation
The science of how to talk to a woman is simple. Be funny – tell her some interesting stories from your life and some clever facts. Women love when men tell them about their interests which differ a lot from their interests – anything from politics, mechanics or physique, and science. Women adore clever and sophisticated men with a custom critical thinking. You don't need to have some college writing assistance for starting a conversation. Isn't it!
But don’t forget to be a good listener too, as well as a good storyteller.
Find common interests
Far and away easier to attract girl’s attention if you have some common interests like visiting a concert or exhibition, working together or having common friends – all this will help you to earn a little of trust for a first conversation.
Show a girl your sympathy
Every woman, even the most confident should understand that she is special to you. It is not a waste of time to tell her about your feelings and sometimes with details. Do you have a date with a girl of your dream? Thus, tell her this, it is very important to hear such words.
Be a gentleman
Being a gentleman with your woman is more than just being polite or amiable. It’s about showing her your distinguished feelings, about being careful and attentive to her feelings in any situation. Gentlemen are always delicate and observant. He never offenses the woman who is near him and he never allows someone to abuse his woman.
Make compliments
It is a well-known fact that women love with their ears. Making a sincere compliment is a perfect skill. Every man must learn and train it if he starts to search for a girlfriend. The most important about making a compliment is your frankness. Try to notice something special in your admirable girl and tell her this frankly, even if it’s something funny and stupid. Believe me, she will never forget such compliments.
Be calm in stress situations
Every woman dreams of a man with whom she is feeling like under the wall. Be calm and confident, always do what you promised and never make hollow promises.
Be interested in yourself
One of the most important steps to get a girlfriend is to stir her interest to you. For this, you should be interested in yourself, in your affairs and hobbies. If you have no interest in yourself – you show the lack of interest to others. Develop yourself, do what you love, read a lot – all this will help you in attracting a woman you like.
Be punctual
Never be late on a date. Never. It is irritating.
Her feeling should be important
And of course, it is quite important to be empathic, to care about the feelings of a person you like. Respect her wills and be attentive to the changes of woman’s mood – she’ll appreciate this.
Be original
Stop saying and doing banal things like talking about her beauty and gifting flowers. All this is also good but may be boring. Just think about how many times in her life she may have heard about how beautiful she is and how many flowers she obtained. Invent something that will be only yours – something that suits your common interests and type of characters.
We wish you good luck in your search!