1. Going Out - Visiting friends at the club or a bar is an
enjoyable experience for many adults. Without the need to rush home for the
child, you are free to do a great deal of partying while with your friends.
However, the responsibility of having a little one could keep your head
balanced and help prevent you from putting yourself in dangerous situations.
Besides, hanging out with your child can be nearly as entertaining as they're
comments and ideas are completely off-the-wall and beyond humorous.
2. Sleeping In - Without having to worry about a child, you
can sleep in as long as you want at any time. If you want to stay in bed all
day long, that is your prerogative. However, having to sleep and awake at
responsible hours in order to care for your child can help keep you in good
physical condition. Wouldn't you be more productive if you went to bed at a
reasonable time and started your day earlier?
3. Finances - One of the biggest concerns when faced with
children is the cost of raising them. You may feel that you want to be able to
spend your money on what you want without the child's needs being considered.
However, raising a child isn't nearly as expensive as many parents may
experience. Coupons, discounts, and sales will be your driving force and the
money you can save can keep you from going under. At any rate, the tax-breaks
alone more than make up for any losses throughout the year.
4. Worldly Stresses - Many individuals would rather not
raise a child in an environment such as our own. As schools are constantly
targeted, children abducted, and threats of war loom heavily above us it's hard
to stay positive about life's outlook. However, we need educated and raise
decent children if the world is going to improve. As long as we are committed
to the development and education of our children, the mistakes of the past can
be avoided for a brighter future.

You shouldn't have to be talked into having children. You'll
either want them, or you won't. Pressure to have children may only make you
miserable in the long run. However, you should make your decision based on
knowledge and information and not what others "warn" you about. Child
rearing isn't nearly as harsh as some parents make it out to be. Personal
experiences will weigh heavy on a person's opinion and not all situations are
the same.
About the author:
Paul Taylor started www.babysittingjobs.com which offers
an aggregated look at those sites to help families find sitters and to help
sitters find families easier than ever. He loves writing, with the help of his
wife. He has contributed quality articles for different blogs & websites.