First Date Nerves: Five Tips for Guys to feel more prepared

Everybody who goes on a first date is a bit rattled, and rightfully so - dating can be intimidating. Of course, there are some great ways you can prepare for your date to ensure that you are doing everything in your power to make a great first impression. Here are a few tips to get you started:

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1. Groom yourself

Begin prepping for the date by shaving, putting on deodorant and choosing a hairstyle that suits your personality. Check out The Art of Shaving to create the look you want and find amazing products that work for you.

2. Plan an interactive date

It will relieve a lot of anxiety if you have a plan for the date. You might be tempted to opt for a movie date, but this is not generally a good idea. You want to get to know your date. The only way to determine if you want a second date is to talk.

3. Dress in a way that makes you feel comfortable

You should look good, but also feel comfortable. Of course, this does not give you license to show up in sweat pants. A pair of dark jeans that fit well, when paired with a button-up shirt, can be a great outfit. There is no need to dress too formally.

4. Think of good conversation starters ahead of time

You do not need to write down a list, but you can think of topics ahead of time. If you are having a first date after reading somebody’s online dating profile, you can use this to accumulate some ideas. Ask a lot of questions and invest yourself in the answers. People can tell when you are not being genuine with them.

5. Forget about so-called rules of dating

A lot of people think that you need to wait a certain number of days after a date to make contact again. This is one of many rules associated with the dating game. In fact, this can actually cause more harm than good. It is more important that you establish a connection and make contact soon after the date. Playing by the rules will just lead to further confusion.

Dating can be stressful, but it does not have to put you into a panic. With a little preparation, you can impress your date with that first meeting.

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