5 Changes Technology Introduced to Education

Development of technology has always had a great influence on the development of mankind. In the last couple of decades, though, following the decisive leap from analog to digital age there was a dramatic change in our everyday lives. Unlike the previous revolutions when industry gradually reshaped the society, current IT revolution took over the world over night and made its way into every sphere of our society. Let us take a look what changes this ever-enveloping process has brought to the education and what does this mean for the kids that will be born in the world without chalkboards.

Improved Communication
Starting with the most obvious entry, and that would be the fact that IT revolution drastically changed the way we communicate with each other, or to be more precise, opened new and exciting communication channels. These days, traditional classrooms are becoming obsolete, and the existence of virtual classrooms, and platforms like Skype and Dropbox is making education more convenient than ever before. Students can access teaching materials, teachers, and their fellow co-students whenever they want, and from whatever device they currently have on their disposal.
Interactive Learning
The best kind of knowledge is the one that is acquired through personal experience and problem solving. The teaching tools of the past were very limiting in this regard, and teachers had to rely on their wit, along with paper and chalkboard to create stimulating tasks and situations for their students to take most advantage of.  Needless to say, current smartphone apps, interactive textbooks, and, to some extent, even video games, offer much more powerful, versatile and engaging environment for students to unleash their creativity, and employ their problem-solving skills.
Rise of E-Books
Although they still have quite a way to go before they finally put an end to paper, E-Books are constantly gaining more and more ground. The area where they can shine the most is education. E-Books have an opportunity to finally replace the bulky books and put everything students need to know on a single tablet computer or a notebook. This way, the offered content is not only more manageable in the physical sense, but, due to fact that it is put into interactive environment when students have more options to manipulate and share it, it is manageable in the educational sense as well.
Virtual Note-Passing
No matter how much some teachers may insist on using books, notes have always been an integral part of education and note passing a great way to build a knowledge foundation and create guidelines for further improvement. Much like all the previous mentions on this list, note passing is making a transition into the online realm as well, and if some student is, for example, studying economy it can easily find abundance of pre-edited economy, management and latest commercenotes simply by Googling. By acquiring these notes in digital format, students can enjoy the same benefits we mentioned when we were talking about E-Books.
Web-Based Research
Finally, it should be mentioned that Information Technologies are not only changing the mediums in which education can be done, but also some of its foundations like searching for particular piece of information. Something that, not that long ago, required hours upon hours of time spent in a library can now be easily pulled off in a matter of seconds. This way, the process of researching is considerably sped up, leaving the students much more time for processing the acquired information and learning.
As we can see, the recent technological surge influenced education in more than one way. But how far exactly these innovations will push education in the future? It is very hard to determine, but one thing is for sure - This process will start to take its true shape only when the kids that were born in the heyday of the Age of Information truly get in control.

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