plays a very important role in our professional careers. With a good vocabulary
comes good writing and drafting skills. While some places require a bit of a
formal approach, other places can accept literally any style. Having a good
stock of words can make your impression better in any sort of situation.
Phrases and idioms are very good to construct a sentence but they also
unnecessarily increase your writing. So,
the most important things that you should remember while drafting something is
to avoid fillers. To give a better view on the subject, 8 Win-Win Ways to
Reduce Filler Words in Your Vocabulary.
Identify the style: You should check out your language
skills and how often you use fillers. Some of us know and can also control
these urges, but for most of us it’s hard to understand. In order to do that,
you must go through your own piece and see where the faults really are. You may
have a great command over the language but you might add too much of
unnecessary fillings unknowingly.
Slow it down: While
writing, we add what is known in writing as the passive voice. While a passive
voice is necessary, adding it unnecessarily can make the entire write-up look
lengthy. This also happens when you are in a conversation. When we try to have
fluency, we end up using words like um, ah, like etc. Those are total game
killers. Instead of mumbling, you should slow your speed down. It will make
your grip on the conversation stronger and will also have a better
understanding of your language. Don’t go for the most overused phrases of 2016. You need to speak in a more clearer
and easy to understand manner.
3. Don’t fill the silence: Most of the
time, silence is the reason why fillers are used. During a conversation,
especially in presentations, we are faced with an awkward silence. In that
case, we are not supposed to be the filler user. Instead, we should make good
use of the silence and make a note of the things that can come further with
4. Eye contact: There is a
good reason why people say that eye contact can create a good impression. Eye
contact is a very powerful tool. You can also use it to control your
conversation. If you can maintain good eye contact, you are less likely to
stutter. That is a very classy technique that you can use in the year 2016 and
afterwards. If it is a one on one duel of words, try using a few phrases that
most people use but avoid the overused ones.
Rehearsals: If you
have a language issue then you might have a really hard time during a
presentation. The best way to overcome that is a rehearsal session. If you can
rehears your speech thinking about the amount of challenges you may face, you
will do just fine. If you want, you can also opt for paraphrasing tools on
the Internet. One more thing, keep your speech short and attractive to avoid
any unwanted problems for yourself.
Focus: The more
focused you are the better results you get. If you are facing issues with your
language, you are less likely to avoid fillers. Fillers are a subconscious
message that you are multi-tasking with your brain. This creates a bad
impression on your listeners. So, have a fully focused mind when you are about
to give your speech or write something to avoid these fillers.
Speak aloud: When you
say something out loud it gives the impression that you are a confident person.
Don’t go killing the ears of your audience but a comparatively higher tone will
help you connect with the audience better. If you can reach the audience and
engage with them, you won’t need fillers to support you.
Small sentences: This is a
very effective tool for avoiding fillers and paraphrasing with
improvisation. By shortening up the sentences, you can easily remember it and
also avoid fillers. They will also be easy for your listeners to understand.
You can have a more confident presenting and with the correct body language,
you can easily take the show with double the credit.
The best
part of having a good and organized filler free work piece is that it grabs the
attention quickly. Speed, accuracy, language and presentation are important but
without the correct word choice, you will not decently convey what you hope to.
I hope you like this list of 8 Win-Win Ways to Reduce Filler Words in Your Vocabulary.
Let us know the benefits that you have received after you have used these tips
in your daily life. If you think that this article is helpful, don’t forget to
share and help another people who might benefit from reading it.
About Author:
Rose Milton
is an amateur guest post writer and a content manager. She finds her
inspiration in yoga, drawing and meditation. Rose
enjoys her life and tries to change the world for better.