How to Change Career in Your 30s: Everything You Should Know About

Are you in your 30s and contemplating a change in career path? Don’t fret! Many of those before have been in the same situation, and more will get to this point, as they grow. At this age, you have invested a lot in the career that you are in, now.

Be it regarding money, studies, sweat and could be blood. But somehow you get to a point where you feel this isn’t the path for you. You want to try something new, and even different, perhaps professional nursing resume writers.

How do you go about it?

• Know Yourself
The typical age for retirement is 65, but you can take longer. Before you jump ship, assess yourself. Outline your strengths, weaknesses, and reasons why you want to change career. Is it because you want a more active role. 

Identifying who you are, will help you know what works for you and direct your options to the careers that suit your personality. Research on the job ads for positions that pique your interest.

Find out what is required of the applicants. It gives you an idea of what you need.

• Transferable Skills
Though you may not have the necessary skills for a particular position, you have amassed some, over the years. Identify the skills that you can apply for the new job. It could be your strong communication skills.

Together with your aptitude for problem-solving, you can apply this skills in almost any role. Find out which traits you have that will make you invaluable to your potential employer.

• Familiarity with Industry Speak
Understanding the industry jargon will boost your confidence as if you are already working in the particular field. Go to the career boards and look at the wording used in the job ads. Take note of the repeated keywords.

Find out what they mean. Use your time on social media constructively. Follow the thought leaders in the industry. Get to know the latest news on the same. Use those keywords in your entry-level registered nurse resume.

• Further Study
As you familiarize with the requirements of the job, get the facts about it. Start with the duties, what will be expected of you, in a particular role? Get to know the job outlook for the position and if there are training and educational requirements.

Pursuing further studies could give you the credentials necessary to make the career change. It will also make the transition smooth.

• Use Your Connections
You already have a strong network that you built over the years. In any networking relationship, you should be able to provide value. Don’t start by asking favors after an extended period of no communication between you.

Leverage the expertise and resources of your contacts. Create a list of the people you would like to get in touch with and find something of value that you can give them.

• Making Compromises
A change in career is a fresh start for you. And you should be ready for compromises. You may have to go back and sit through classes with people younger than you. It shouldn’t keep you from going, they may go through what you are going through now, and at your age, too.

You have to think about the likelihood of taking a pay cut. You may have to start at a lower level than the one you were in, before. Identify the areas that you will have to make a compromise.

• Volunteer
You can choose to make a lateral move in the company. Find the fields that you could join. Get advice on the best way to go about this. Volunteer your time and get a taste of what life will be like, working in a particular role.

You will not only gain the necessary skills; but also, you get the first-hand experience. You also get something to add to your resume.

• Believe in Yourself
Not everyone is going to support you as you make this change. You will face discouragement from even those close to you. For you to accomplish what you want, you need to find the strength to believe in yourself.

It won’t be easy, but it is doable. Just like you are planning to crush resume for nurses.

At the age of 30, you may have more financial obligation than when you were in your 20s. Plan on saving for this transition period before you make the ultimate move.    

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